The Department started in 2002 when the University commenced. Computer Science and Management Information System programmes were under the then Department of Computer and Information Technology with Prof. T.S. Ibiyemi as the Head of the Department. The pioneer faculty in the Department were Mr. V. C. Osamor, Mr. Nicholas A. Omoregbe and Mr. O. O. Olugbara. In 2003, Dr. C. K. Ayo joined the University and became the first substantive Head of Department. Dr. E. F. Adebiyi was the Head of Department from 2008-2011. Also, Prof. C. K. Ayo became the Head of Department from 2011-2012 after serving as the Director of Academic planning. Dr. Nicholas A. Omoregbe assumed the office as Head of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences in 2012. Dr. A. A. Adebiyi became the Head of Department from 2014 – 2016. Dr. O. O. Oladipupo became the Head of Department from 2016-2017. In August 2017, the headship of the Department of Computer and Information Science (CIS) witnessed the emergence of a pioneer faculty in the person of Prof. V.C. Osamor to pilot the affairs of this strategic Department.
He served as the HOD CIS between 2017 and 2018. Proffesoor Osamor handed over to the new HOD, Professor Ambrose Azeta, which has since assumed this leadership role as the current HOD, CIS. The Department which started with 13 faculty has produced several graduates at B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D levels.
The vision of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences is to rated among the top-ranked academic departments in the world within a very short time through commitment to excellence in teaching, research and innovative community engagements. Our aim is to produce top graduates in the disciplines of Computer Science and Management Information System, who will be globally competitive and well equipped to make valuable contributions both locally and internationally.
The mission of the Department is to create ambience for excellence where innovation and creativity in the field of computing from students and faculty is allowed to thrive. Our students will be equipped with the necessary tools that will strategically position them in the cutting edge of computing knowledge and applications, making them capable of making significant contributions to the society. We specifically aim at the following:
- to produce top quality and competitive graduates of Computer Science and Management Information System that are in high demand in the industry
- to develop the entrepreneurial aptitudes and potentials of our students through product-oriented research endeavors that are beneficial to the society, thereby entrenching in them the ethos of contribution.
- to train highly competent graduates who are imbued with the drive for excellence, innovation and creativity, and having capacity for intellectual distinction both in the academia and in the industry.
- to raise students with strong intellectual and moral orientation who will be valuable citizens, and new generation of leaders in the society.
The Department thrives on the philosophy that excellent and comprehensive training is a necessary precursor of outstanding contributions. Our focal objective is to produce graduates that are educationally, culturally, morally and spiritually sound, with a strong entrepreneurial orientation. Therefore, the Department is committed to the application of wide range of human capacity development strategies for teaching, learning, research, and community engagements that will engender the development of the total graduate. This is to ensure that our graduates have what it takes to be distinguished in a globally competitive world, by being not only worthy of the best employment opportunities, but also becoming job creators and employers of labour.
The objectives of the Computer Science Programme are to:
- develop manpower with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the requirements of a rapidly advancing and challenging field of IT and Management;
- produce graduates with IT skills and prepare them for global competitiveness; produce managers with the spirit of self-reliance and encourage them to adopt a holistic approach in professional pursuit;
- develop human capital with emphasis on creating a knowledge-based society; and
- develop manpower to pursue careers in a wide range of professions, including software development, web design, and system administration.
The objectives of the Management Information System Programme are to:
- develop manpower with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the requirements of a rapidly advancing and challenging field of IT and Management;
- produce managers with the quality of self-reliance, and encourage them to adopt a holistic approach in professional pursuit;
- develop system managers wit adequate knowledge in business, management and IT;
- produce career graduates in a wide range of professions, including software development, web design, system and business administration; and
- develop manpower for the ever-green and promising field of e-commerce and m-commerce.